What a lovely start to the day. I woke up and it was daylight. Mr T had decamped during the night as he was coughing terribly. I had the bed all to myself...........lovely! All was quiet from Master T's direction, so I turned on the radio and read my book for a little while. Bliss. Then I heard Mr T coughing and Master T shouting on daddy.
A slow start to the day for all. I then tried to decide whether to go for a run. It was dry, not frosty but windy. Eventually at 10am I managed to step over the threshold and set off,
running into the wind. It was awful. I couldn't get my breathing sorted out, I was battling against the wind and then I inevitably got a stitch. And so it was for two thirds of my run, than eventually I was on the homeward stretch and the wind was behind me. What a relief. Tried to enter the Glasgow Ladies 10k yesterday, but the technology won't let me.
Master T was a bit under the weather earlier today, though to hear him singing in the bath just now you wouldn't know it. He had a very long sleep this afternoon. One week back at nursery and he has caught something. I knew it would happen. Anyway his sleep gave me time to pop out and book a couple of bead classes, pick up a few things in the sales for Master T and pick up a couple of provisions. Then came home and watched The Diary of Anne Frank on the BBC
iplayer. It has been excellent, and so sad (even though we know what happens).
Mr T has been making a couple of interesting curries for tea. I am looking forward to them once
Master T is in bed.