Tuesday, 27 January 2009

A dreich night

It's so mild tonight - compared to the hard frosts we've been having recently. The rise in temperature is bound to encourage my snowdrops to burst into bloom. Here are a few from under the apple tree - photographed at the weekend.
Middle of the week tomorrow. Hurrah!

Sunday, 25 January 2009


Just spent age trying to upload photos to make a mosaic. Failed. Will try again.

In the meantime these will have to do.

I love anemones. I haven't been very succcesful at growing them myself, maybe I will try again.
Today has been a day of housework. Worked 5 days last week and the house was in a real state. I wasn't put on this earth to do housework. I know I should do it little and often, but I tend to be loads rather infrequently. Anyway, things are looking rather better now and much less like squalor.
Forgot that we should have had haggis tonight........never mind it will keep for another night. We had a stir fry instead. Perhaps it was for the chinese new year.
Not much else happening. Still waiting on the car being fixed. This week I hope.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

So much to do

I've wasted the evening away doing nothing. I've got so much to do I don't know where to start and once Master T was consigned to bed, I wasn't really up for much except pottering on the computer. Where shall I start, tidying, ironing, yet another load of washing, the kitchen floor, a couple of letters and e-mails.................I could go on at length.

I'm too weary. Spent all day at an interesting workshop. Why is it you always feel weary when you've been sitting down all day?

I should have done some sewing or knitting. Maybe I'll go to bed with my hot water bottle and book. Sweet dreams!

Monday, 19 January 2009

This Could be Addictive

Places I have lived..........................

Sunday, 18 January 2009

The weekend is almost over

Have just read Mousenotebook and decided to take up the challenge, both to find some lovely images and also to see how it all works. I think I have been succesful - hopefully this will appear on the blog - but you just never know.

It made a great distraction from Master T's bath time and his obsession with the Island of Sodor. Mr T and I have just enjoyed Nigel Slater's bean recipe from the Observer, with some very fine fish. Once Master T is in bed I think we will have some sticky toffee pudding. Yum yum!!!

Friday, 16 January 2009

The Car is Poorly

The day started so well. Me and Master T had lie in, then off to his gym class. Great fun, until another child pushed him around. Poor Master T became very withdrawn, but then we were off to meet my work colleagues for lunch. Drove to the part and ride, just missed the train do decided to get the bus. Managed to deduce that the bus no longer comes to the bus stop at the park and ride and trekked off to find the nearest bus stop. So much for an integrated transport system - but don't get me started on that topic. Eventually got to our destination and had a lovely lunch. Master T had such fun and made news friends. I gave him the choice of going back to the office with them, or coming to the museum with me. The museum means trains - it was a no-brainer. Off we headed, and off he snoozed! Fast asleep when we reached the museum. I dropped him at Mr T's office and popped out for a bit of shopping.

Then we dragged Mr T off early to get the train back to the car. Then we were off to grandma's for the weekend. Half and hour into our three hour journey, the road was blocked by an accident. We re-traced our drive and headed to an alternative route. Then something went wrong with the car. The weekend away was aborted and we headed home slowly. Two hours after we set off, we were back home. Mr T is very unhappy, having just paid a very large bill at the garage earlier this week.

I wonder what we will get up to this weekend now?

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

It's the Middle of the Week

Middle of the week and I don't seem to have achieved very much, either at home or at work. I just don't know where the time goes. At least we were home a little bit earlier tonight. Master T was very grumpy even though I let him watch Wallace and Gromit - his latest obsession.

Me and Mr T have both gone down with the nursery bug. Nothing terrible, but just enough to make you feel a bit under par, and cause my sinuses to rebel.

I have just read Attic24 and so wish I could stay at home with 30 balls of wool for a few days. it would be so nice to achieve something. I tried to get back to my square knitting at the weekend, but Master T wouldn't give me peace and by the time he was in bed, I had lost interest.

Maybe I just need to sit down with The Good Husband of Zebra Drive and escape to Botswana. I can dream..............

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Baking frenzy

I haven't tried uploading photos before, so here goes. Wow, so easy and it has worked. A little flower blooming in my garden on 3 January. It may be completely blown away by now. I think we were all woken by the gales last night.

Just a day for staying in the house and baking. I have been baking for the last couple of hours, in complete peace. Cheesey crumbles, muesli cookies, and blueberry muffins. The house still looks like a bomb has gone off on the Island of Sodor, but we have plenty to eat in our war-torn, train-mad household and the FDat Controller will be happy. Master T and Mr T went to church sometime ago. I imagine they have stopped off in the park to wear Master T out. Hope they are home soon - I need some lunch. Will I go out for a run today - the wind, the wind, just makes it all so hard. I know that Mr T, will tell me to get a grip and get out running! I think I would like to sit and knit a couple of squares for my blanket, which is probably going to take me years to complete, given the slow rate of square production. More on this later I expect.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

A Windy Saturday

What a lovely start to the day. I woke up and it was daylight. Mr T had decamped during the night as he was coughing terribly. I had the bed all to myself...........lovely! All was quiet from Master T's direction, so I turned on the radio and read my book for a little while. Bliss. Then I heard Mr T coughing and Master T shouting on daddy.

A slow start to the day for all. I then tried to decide whether to go for a run. It was dry, not frosty but windy. Eventually at 10am I managed to step over the threshold and set off, running into the wind. It was awful. I couldn't get my breathing sorted out, I was battling against the wind and then I inevitably got a stitch. And so it was for two thirds of my run, than eventually I was on the homeward stretch and the wind was behind me. What a relief. Tried to enter the Glasgow Ladies 10k yesterday, but the technology won't let me.

Master T was a bit under the weather earlier today, though to hear him singing in the bath just now you wouldn't know it. He had a very long sleep this afternoon. One week back at nursery and he has caught something. I knew it would happen. Anyway his sleep gave me time to pop out and book a couple of bead classes, pick up a few things in the sales for Master T and pick up a couple of provisions. Then came home and watched The Diary of Anne Frank on the BBC iplayer. It has been excellent, and so sad (even though we know what happens).

Mr T has been making a couple of interesting curries for tea. I am looking forward to them once Master T is in bed.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

The Weekend Starts here

Thursday night and my weekend starts. I don't work on Friday's. The car has broken down and is getting towed to the garage tomorrow, so today we all travelled into town on the bus. Master A was very well behaved on the way in - remarkably so. I think he was still half asleep. Tonight on the way homehe was full of beans and would not sit down. I then had to race home, get changed and run off to my first pilates class of the year. Could have gone to another interesting meeting in an adjoining hall but didn't!

Had a very interesting meeting at the National Library of Scotland. Have walked by it so many times over the years but have never ever been inside. Came away really excited about the interesting stuff that they have. Will be back in a few weeks to see it at first hand.

Tomorrow have to do some chores and entertain Master T. He has his gym class so hopefully that will wear him out.

Am feeling rather weary, so I am hoping for a long lie tomorrow. I'm off to read my latest book, Apple. It is so beautifully written - you almost feel you are in the noisy, dark backstreets of Victorian London. It follows The Crimson petal and the White. A long, but wonderfuly written account of a prostitute in Victorian London.

Mr T has told me that he has entered me for a 10k in March. I can't workout if he is telling me the truth. Will have to explore this further.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

My Day

My day off, but up at the crack of dawn as usual to get a lift into town with the boys. Visited the hairdresser - locks gone, back to very short and manageable! Poor hairdresser has a broken finger. Not a good injury for someone who relies on their hands. Then I was free to wander round the shops. I don't often get the opportunity to wander round the shops, but this time of year is not idea - most are like jumble sales. I am always drawn to the new season stuff, and was today - though wasn't inspired. So what did I buy, well I found a stripey jumper in a sale, a couple of things in the Emma Bridgwater shop to add to my haphazard collection, an interesting book - that I will probably never get round to reading, cake tin liners and a new pair of jogging bottoms for pilates. In the middle of all this, I met Mr T to take him for a very belated birthday lunch. We went here - it was fantastic.

I hope I will get round to the book - it will remind me of time spent in India and Florence.

Master T in bed, after loads of stories and a very succesful attempt at the potty. He was delighted with his pull-up nappy - just like Miss D's. Wow.........so easy to please.

The car has conked out. Think we will all be on the bus tomorrow morning. Could be a nightmare waiting to happen.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009


Ive just been browsing and looking at Attic24. Fabulous images. My latest resolution is that I will learn to crochet in 2009.

Now that the Christmas tree is down the house is so bare. Master T will be distraught in the morning - my tree has gone. The house also looks like a bombsite. Something will have to be done. Have just unpacked a lovely hamper we received for Christmas - it had been sitting looking beautiful under the Christmas tree. Lots of lovely stuff in a lovely wicker basket. Unfortunately a jar of scrummy looking Winter chutney has leaked all over the basket, the packing and other stuff. Have just spent half an hour cleaning the sticky mess up. Yuck! Will re-examine in the light of day.

Tomorrow is a day off for me. I am really looking forward to it. A long overdue visit to the hairdressers, a look at the sales, lunch with Mr T and maybe a gallery. Lovely!

Monday, 5 January 2009

Back to work

Up at the crack of dawn, out shortly afterwards - it was so dark - and off to nursery and work. Poor Master T didn't know what had hit him, but he was soon in the swing of things looking for diggers as we drove into town. Unfortunately they were few and far between this morning. He wasn't keen to go to nursery and wouldn't get out of the car. I had to carry him in, but as soon as Miss D saw him, she was off to help get his breakfast. He sat down to eat it like he hadn't been away. I know how he felt. After 20 minutes at my desk I felt I hadn't been away either. It was good to be back at work, but it's even better to be taking Wednesday off! A long overdue haircut, a look around the sales and lunch with Mr T - an overdue birthday treat. I'm looking forward to it already. And tonight I went out for a quick run/plod - only a couple of miles, it was treacherous. the streets were like skating rinks. Must try and finish my book tonight. Almost there. I am enjoying Spilling the Beans. A priviledged and troubled life.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

It's all over for another year

Can't believe the festive break is almost over. Took the Christmas cards and decorations down. Will take the tree down tomorrow night. Back to routine tomorrow, which will be good- but hard. I am not looking forward to getting up so early before it is daylight. I really think it is so uncivilised to get up in the dark. These last two weeks or so I have managed to wake up late. It has been bliss. Today has been another lazy day, but I did force myself to go out for a run/plod in the rain. 3 miles today, so I am feeling good about myself. I just need to keep it up. Made a spreadsheet tonight to record my plodding. Next thing is to finish all the Christmas treats that are still lying around, and get back to healthy eating. Poor Mr T will not be looking forward to that. As my mother would say, back to auld claes and porridge!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Almost the end

Almost at the end of the holiday, it will be good to have some routine back in our lives. Our toddler is all over the place - he does like his sleep, but he all out of kilter at the moment. Today hasn't been helped by us all being at a party last night. He had a great time, flirting with young ladies. I drank fizzy water all night - being the designated driver, I had to get the boys home.
Today has meandered on. Went for a walk this afternoon - just into town. I love a brisk walk on a cold and bright winter's day. However with a two-year old in tow, walking cannot be brisk. We just got chilled to the bone. It ended up being a visit to the supermarket and a quick look around town. Poor Mr T ended up pushing the pushchair, carrying the scooter and carrying some shopping. My hero!
Have managed a quick look at the paper, but can't move in the front room for jigsaws. Have recently discovered BBCiplayer. have watched the Christmas Royle Family and the 39 Steps and have listened to a few radio shows. What a great find. I'm off to watch Thatcher and the Scots. Leftovers for tea tonight, so no real cooking required.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

A new year

A new day, a new month and a new year. A new start - new opportunitities. Where will we all be in 12 months time?

The year has started quietly. Lots of cooking and a short run and now this.............. Not sure where this is going, but must keep the running/plodding going. Haven't run for 6 months. I need a goal to plod towards - probably a 10k.

Lots of cooking - fudge, biscuits, soup and thai curry. God bless Nigella and Madhur. And tonight a new book - one that can be read in less than three months.............. I just never seem to have the time anymore. A Christmas book, or one from my ever increasing "to be read" pile. I must go and make my selection.